Sunday, June 20, 2010


(A/N: Okay, so idea and the names are mine. This was my project when I was a freshman. Glad it was still in my mail box. XD)

“H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na… Na… Aaarrgggh! I can’t memorize this!” I said as I tried to memorize the periodic table of elements.

I was at the terrace reviewing for our third departmental exam in chemistry. A periodic table of elements, a pen, my notebook and several thick chemistry books, which are thicker than the bible, were scattered in my table.

“Rei!” my mother called me.

“MA!” I answered back. I was in the third floor so I needed to shout to answer her back.

“I’m calling you so come here.”

I went down, leaving all my things as it was, to ask my mother why she was calling me.

“Are you trying to kill yourself? Don’t sit near the edge of the terrace!” she blurted out as soon as I was in front of her.

“But I’m not.”

“I saw you.”

“Must be your imaginations, ma. And I am reviewing for my exam, so… if you would please excuse me…” I said.

“Maybe, but, okay, you may go. Take your time. Make sure you are really reviewing. If I found you doing something besides reviewing…” my mother threatened.

“Okay, okay.” I said.

I headed back to where I was reviewing and saw, to my surprise, a guy sitting on my chair, reading my books.

“Who – who are you?” I said.

He lifted his head to my direction and smiled. “Hello!”

“You – who are you? And what are you doing here?” I asked again. I didn’t know what to do. This guy is a complete stranger, and worst of all, he is in our house!

“Don’t look so terrified like that. My name is 3DW512D.”

“3D – what?” What kind of name was that? He talked to me so casually like we were old friends. He was wearing a white polo; he has a fair complexion and a dark hair. “You’re not a… ghost, are you?” I asked nervously.

He laughed. “Yes, I am a ghost. A ghost from the future!” he said and then continued laughing.

He must be crazy. I said to myself. A crazy ghost. I have never seen a ghost before. And I wish I would never see one. But that time, a ghost was in front of me, and talking to me!

“Chemistry?” he said as he examined my reviewers. “Your periodic table of elements here looks weird, and it’s incomplete. Where is Fl? And Sp?” Fl? Sp? What was he talking about? “Huh? I see, so in this time you haven’t discovered it yet.” he said, as if he realized something.

I stood there, speechlessly. I was totally confused. What does he mean by “in this time”? And does a ghost know all about chemistry? Maybe he was a bright student when he was alive. What a waste.

“Look,” I finally found my voice, “I don’t know who you are. And this is our house, can you please go away? Go to your own place. This – this is not a haunted house, you know.”

“Hahaha!!!” he laughed.

Is there something funny at me? “What’s funny?”

“So you really believed in my story?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do I look like a ghost?” he said still smiling.

“You’re not a ghost?” I finally realized.

“Of course not, well, let me explain some things first.” He said. “I am not a ghost, believe me.” He was approaching to my direction. “Here touch me, I’m real.”

“Okay, okay, but what are you –”

“Wait,” he interrupted me, “I am from future.”

“Future?” This time it was I who was laughing. “Man, he’s crazy.”

“You do not believe me? Here,” he said handing me something.

It was a black thing with many buttons, but it has no monitor. It looked like a cell phone but it was smaller. Probably, a remote. I thought.

“What is this? And what should I do with this?” I asked. I tossed the funny-looking thing at him.

“It’s a cellular phone, from my time. I don’t know why but, I can’t use it here. But here,” he clicked something from the phone and something appeared in the air. It was like a television appeared from the phone. But it was like a hologram. “It’s blurred because there is no signal.”

I was totally speechless that time.

“You still don’t believe me?”

“Okay, okay, I believe now.” I said. My head was spinning, everything seemed like a dream. “But how did you get here? And why?”

“Well, I was, a little bit, bored there. They said that the air here is fresh, fresher than ours I mean. So I decided to take a break and went here, in your time.”

I heard someone in the stairs. “Rei?” Crap! My mom! I forgot about her.

“Hide! Quick! There! Behind those clothes!” I said. He instantly obeyed me. “Yes ma?” I hastily sat and opened the first book that I could reach.

“Are you talking to someone?” she said.

“Someone? Who? I’m alone.” I said. I tried to look confused by her question, and fortunately, I succeeded.

“Oh, I thought I heard someone, anyway, come down, it’s already 12:30. I bet you’re hungry now.”

“Okay, I’ll just arrange this.”

My mother went down and as soon as she was out of sight, I let out a sigh.

“That was close.” 3D-something was back again. “Nice acting,” he teased.

“Shut up.”

We were silent for a minute. “Thank you,” he said.

“For what?”

“For hiding me,” he said like he really mean it.

“Okay, I’ll just go down, don’t do anything funny.” I warned.

He nodded.

I went downstairs and was surprise to see that all my siblings were already finished eating. They must be really hungry that they can’t wait for me. Then I remembered the “future guy”, does that guy eat anything before going here?

“Ma, I’ll just eat upstairs, I’ll just review while eating. Is it okay?” I asked my mother as I help myself with rice and “adobo”.

“Of course, but can you eat all that?” she said looking at my Everest-looking rice.

“I think so, I felt like I hadn’t eaten anything since last night.” I said, rubbing my palm at my stomach.

I was half-expecting that he was gone. But by time I arrived at the terrace, I already saw him reading my books.

“Here,” I said.

“What is that?” he said looking at my food like it was something he had never seen before.


“Wow. I really didn’t think that food from this time would look like this.” He said. “Well, our food is like medicine. They are tablets. It can give you energy for the whole day. I like to try that. May I?”

“Idiot, I brought this for you. Of course you may.” I said.

“It tastes good.” He said, and then didn’t say anything after that.

We were eating in silence. I decided to take this opportunity to ask him. “What does our world… look like in your time?”

“Different,” he said.

“Just different?”

“Very different, all houses were concrete, that is, they are not made out of, what do you call it? Wood?”

“You don’t know what wood is?” I asked. He knew about elements but not wood? What kind of person is he?

“There are no woods there. I have only read that from my History book.”

“But, why?”

“Because there are no trees. Trees, fruits, flowers, they are all extinct. There are only grasses.”

I, then, understood why he said that the air here is fresher than theirs. Then, I realized, what a horrible world they had. Everything around you is metal, and you only had grasses. I can’t imagine how I would breathe if, by chance, I were there.

“What?” he asked. I was deeply absorbed by my thought that I barely noticed that my mighty Everest rice had became humble-looking Taal rice.

“I was just surprised; I didn’t expect the future to be like that. And anyways,” I paused, “looks like our food really tastes good to you.”

“Sorry, can’t help it. I’ve never tasted anything like this before,” he said, apologetically.

We finished eating and I returned to my books. I tried to ignore him as much as I could but he kept on interrupting me.

He asked what do fruits taste, are all flowers fragrant, and everything about trees. He even asked how trees could live, what do they ate and what their pastimes are. And so, I ended up explaining photosynthesis to him. Good thing I could still remember my biology lessons.

“Aren’t you studying it in biology?” I asked.

“We studied about trees, that they once existed in our world, that’s all.” He said.

“So what’s your plan now?” I changed the subject.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Aren’t you ought to be going back to your own time? How long are you planning to stay here?” I asked. I didn’t mean to hurt him or anything, but this is wrong. He shouldn’t be here in the first place.

“Well, honestly, I don’t know how long, but I’ll stay here as long as I liked.” He said calmly.

“And where do you think you are staying?” I asked again.

“Where else? Of course here, I suppose I can stay here as long I’m not seen by your parents and neighbors, right?”

I argue no more. After all, where would he stay if I said no?

“In return,” he continued, “I’ll help you review for your exam. When is it?”

“R–really? I mean, are you sure? Wow, thanks.” I said in relief. “Our exam is on the 21st of March.”

“What is the date today?”

“It’s March 15.”

“So that means we still have six days, okay, there’s no time for talking nonsense. Let’s get it on!”

We stopped reviewing at about 5:30. I was really amazed that he could teach me chemistry. It was like he knew everything about chem. He taught me the formulas, definitions and explained everything. He even told me about the elements which are not discovered yet.

That night I couldn’t sleep at all. I still couldn’t convince myself that 3DW512D (yeah, I finally got his name right) is real. Man from the future, extinction of trees, Sp and Fl, it all seemed impossible. I felt very lucky that I was born in this time rather than his. I can’t imagine a world without tress. Will men soon became extinct, too?

It was Monday morning and I had to be in our school at exactly nine in the morning. I did my daily routine, wake up, breakfast, go to school. But before I went to school, I decided to visit 3DW512D first, to check if he’s okay, and to confirm that what happened yesterday was not at all a dream.

But when I got into the terrace there was no sign of him.

“I knew it,” I said, “It was all a dream.”

I went down and bid goodbye to my parents and then left. I admit I was a bit disappointed that he was not real. I wanted to ask him more about the future. I felt sad and lonely. I wish I would dream again that dream. And what about his promise that he will help me review?

The day went on just like any other day. Nothing special happened. And just like any other day, I was worrying about my exam in chem. I was outside the campus walking, when I heard a familiar voice.

“So this is a tree?”

I turned my head towards the direction of the voice. “3DW512D!!!”

“Yo! What’s with that reaction?”

“Silly, where have you been?” I scolded him, but deep inside, I was really happy to see him in the real world, not just a dream. I slapped his face lightly, solid, he is real. “Wait, what are you doing here? How did you –?”

“I followed you, why, am I not allowed to go outside?”

“Mom didn’t see you?”

“Of course not!”

“How did you get here?”

“Well, you see, I have money, of course I wouldn’t go out without it, and I didn’t know that products here are really affordable. I just ate at the, what’s that? McDonalds?”

“So you bought clothes? And what’s that? Food?” I asked looking at the shopping bags he was carrying.

“Yes and yes.” He answered. “Let’s go,”

It has been four days since 3D (I decided to call him by that name) came. I was able to hide him in the terrace and sneak food for him. Sometimes, he liked eating at fast food chains and we will both eat outside. After school, he always helps me review. I also learned a lot from him about the future.

People from his place, or time, rather, were all dependent on machines. Doors, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, bathroom, everything is automatic. Foods are not cooked, as he said, their food is like a tablet, and is only made to provide you energy. There’s no such thing as farm animals. They are all, like trees, extinct. A garden is something that has grasses. Every house should have their own garden, according to their law, to have sufficient supply of oxygen. Their clothes are made of animal’s skin like tiger. All animals were carnivores. The word herbivore was erased in human vocabulary. There’s no such thing as wood and paper. They have no books, what they have was e-books. Cars were flying; there were no wheels because there were no rubbers. Trains were fast, and there were stoplights in the air for airplanes. Airplanes there were smaller than ours. And Philippines have only 1215 islands left.

On the fifth day, while reviewing, 3D suddenly stopped and stood up. “I guess you can pass your exam now.”

“You think so?”

“Of course, tomorrow, can I come with you in school?”

“Huh? What for?”

“Just want to see trees, I guess, even for the last time.”

Even for the last time. I didn’t know but that phrase pierced me. I nearly forgot that he is not from our time. And that he ought to come back to his own world.

“You know what, I … I actually came here because …” he said hesitating. “I actually came here because I am very angry with you.”

“With me?”

“With all of you, from this generation,”


“It’s because of you that there are no more trees for us.”

I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t know how to answer him. He was right. It’s our entire mistake. It is us who are shaping the future.

“But don’t worry; maybe it is our destiny, if destiny is true.”

The next morning, 3D came with me to school, since there are many trees in CAS. He looked very happy in seeing trees.

“This is the happiest part of my vacation, seeing trees. Haha, and of course, having a friend like you, who couldn’t memorize even the incomplete version of periodic table of elements.”

“What did you say?” I said, pretending to be angry.

“I guess this is goodbye then.” He said.

“What?” I said, surprised.

“They are already here.” He said, pointing to two men who were wearing black.

The two men approached in our direction.

“3DW512D CU773N, we are here to fetch you,” said one of the two.

“Okay,” 3D said.

“3D what is going on?” I said confused.

“I’m going home now. Thanks for everything.” He said gently brushing his hand to my cheeks. They were gone.

(A/N: Horrible, isn't it?)

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