Sunday, June 20, 2010

Good Friend

Good Friend
A Saiunkoku Monogatari Fan Fiction
(Seiran/Shuurei Pairing)
Disclaimer: I do not own Saiunkoku Monogatari.




(A/N: This is just an idea popped out of my head when I was in class. It's very short. Rou Ensei's POV)

I can see it.

The way he looked at her. The way he acted around her. The way he talked to her. I can see it all.

I can see how warm his eyes were whenever it landed on her. It was like those eyes were strangers to me. The way it narrows a few millimeters (or micro millimeters should I say?) followed by a very subtle curving of his lips, it was unbelievable.

I was his friend a long time ago. And I have spent a great amount of time with him. So whatever changes he will undergo, no matter how great or small that changes would be, I will notice it right away.

I've known him far too long than I can remember and I can easily tell and interpret whatever his face was saying. He can't hide it from me. And this expression that he was oh-so-lovingly trying to hide did not go unnoticed. And I say, man, call me a rabbit if he wasn't smiling genuinely.

Little whirlwind. Smiling. Genuinely.

I laughed at the thought.

"What are you laughing at?" his expression suddenly changed back to the cold one I used to remember.

"You were smiling." I don't feel the need to hide my thoughts. It was all very amusing after all. And a little teasing wouldn't hurt that much. Considering that he was in a good mood...

"So what?" he snapped. Perhaps, I was quite wrong there.

His eyebrows started to twitch in irritation. He can't really control his temper, especially when he is around me. Why am I friends with him again?

"That's great, isn't it?" I said enthusiastically. "Finally, you can make emotions out of that stone face of yours."

I saw him starting to retort back, so I quickly said "Oh Hime-san, come here! Come here! Quickly!"

We both heard a pair of small feet coming towards our direction and I felt the man beside me stiffen. I smirked and he scowled.

Finally, the door before us opened and my very princess emerged.

"Ensei?" she asked. "What is it?"

Her expression was somewhat confused, her eyebrows were knitted together as she scan her eyes around the room, until it landed on us.

I quickly scrambled for an excuse.

"Er, well, I think Seiran here is not feeling well" said man glared daggers at me but I continued. "Can you take a look at him?"

A sudden worried expression flitted across her face and quickly tow the small distance between us. She then put her hand in his forehead, estimating his temperature.

"Ojou-sama, I'm perfectly fi--"

"Seiran, why are you so cold? What's the matter? Are you feeling ill or something?" Hime-san interrupted him.

"N-no." He answered, blushing a little. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I think I--"

"I think you should rest a bit, Seiran." I interrupted, smiling triumphantly at him while Hime-san's not looking. "Do you want Hime-san here get all worried about you?"

I quickly stood and pushed him lightly to his bed, with Hime following us behind.

"You're dead, Ensei!" he hissed under his breath, venom leaking out every word.

I chuckled lightly. "Trust me, Seiran, you'll gonna thank me for this." I winked.

I quickly exited the room leaving the two alone.

I'm sure Seiran will be grateful for what I have done for him. I just saved his pathetic love life, after all. I'm such a good friend.




(A/N: See? It's really short. This is me trying to make use of my time for a more important matter. Haha.)

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